Spring Cleaning and Home Safety 

Research shows that most falls happen at home. Is spring cleaning on your to-do list? Take some time this spring to de-clutter and make your home safer to prevent falls. On top of everyday items like dirty laundry or mail, over the years things can pile up! It’s important to keep walkways, staircases, and other areas where you walk tidy. Here are a few ideas to help get you started: 

  • Make it fun! Put on your favorite music or radio show as you clean. 
  • Develop a filing system so that you can keep important documents in one place and off counters and floors. 
  • Don’t do it all at once. Set aside 15 minutes each day to de-clutter in different areas. Start with clutter on the floors or staircases, as you may be more likely to catch your feet and trip in these areas.  
  • Make it a habit to take a minute or two to clean up as you go instead of waiting for things to pile up.  

Use our Cleaning Tool to help you reduce clutter and stay organized. 

Other things to look for include keeping cords out of walkways, having good lighting, replacing throw rugs or mats that have turned-up edges or slippery bottoms with heavy-backed, non-slip rubber bottoms (or getting rid of them altogether), and keeping an eye on pets underfoot. 

Check out our interactive Home Safety Challenge for additional tips to stay safe at home. The Home Safety Challenge is an interactive tour of a real Wisconsin home, where you’ll search for common things that may lead to a fall and learn how to reduce your risk. When you’re finished, download and print the Home Safety Checklist and check things off the list as you look through your own home or apartment. 

Find more tips and tricks to stay safe and prevent falls at FallsFreeWI.org