Prevent Falls

Improve your balance & strength to prevent falls.

Balance & Strength

Prevent Falls

Stable shoes with good support and good grip help to prevent falls.


Prevent Falls

Talk to a health care provider or pharmacist to learn how your medications may increase your risk for falls.


Prevent Falls

Regular vision checks and taking care of your eyes and eyewear can help to prevent falls.


Prevent Falls

Ensure your hearing and ear health is good to prevent falls.


Prevent Falls

Be aware of your surrounding; rugs, electrical cords, clutter, lighting, uneven pathways, and slippery surfaces.


You Can Reduce Your Risk of a Fall – Falls Free® Wisconsin can help!

Falls are more common as you get older – that’s true. But there are steps you can take to reduce your risk. It starts with believing you can and finding the resources you need to make changes that keep you safe. Created by the Wisconsin Institute for Healthy Aging (WIHA), Falls Free Wisconsin can help by putting the information and tools right at your fingertips. 

Prevent Falls

You can can prevent falls, learn how with Falls Free Wisconsin.

Home Safety Challenge

An interactive home safety challenge to spot falls risk in a home.

What’s Your Falls Risk?

Learn your falls risk and test your knowledge about falls.

Falls Prevention Programs

Learn more about falls programs and find a class near you.

I’ve learned to be more observant and to put my needs ahead of others. If people are going up the stairs or down the stairs quickly and I can’t, I don’t worry about that anymore like I used to. I tell them to go ahead! Aging has many different faces. 

Mary (age 72)

Brown County, WI

About Falls

6 Steps to Prevent a Fall

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Healthy Aging Grants

Wisconsin Institute for Healthy Aging (WIHA) and its community partners support legislation to fund …
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