I Fell, Now What?
Learn what to do if you experience a fall and who to call for help if you need it. Deputy Chief Jeff Dostalek with the Fitch-Rona EMS District recently sat down with the Falls Free® Wisconsin…

Webinar: February 24, 2025
Join us for a FREE webinar to talk about what to do if you experience a fall.…

Governor Proclaims September as Falls Prevention Awareness Month
Chances are you or someone you know has experienced a fall. If you have, you’re not alone. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 1 in 4 older adults (ages 65+) h…

September is Falls Prevention Awareness Month
Check out a falls prevention event near you!…

Webinar: September 5, 2024
Join us for a FREE webinar to talk about the importance of home safety and falls prevention!…

Community Safety: Falls Prevention
Summer days are often filled with many activities – walking the dogs, attending sports games, rushing to appointments, traveling, or just enjoying time in nature. With the increase in outings, there m…

Healthy Aging Grants
Wisconsin Institute for Healthy Aging (WIHA) and its community partners support legislation to fund the researched and proven strategies that give older people, their families and caregivers the tools…

Falls Prevention at the Farmers Market
The time is coming for bright summer days and farm market stands to start popping up throughout the state. Not only are farm markets a great opportunity to walk around and get some vitamin D, but you …

Webinar: May 23, 2024
Join us for a FREE webinar to talk about importance of physical activity and falls prevention!…

Spring Cleaning and Home Safety
Research shows that most falls happen at home. Is spring cleaning on your to-do list? Take some time this spring to de-clutter and make your home safer to prevent falls. On top of everyday items like …

Link Between Falls and Driving
Some of the same things that impact falls risk can put older adults at higher risk for car crashes. In fact, a study from the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety found that older adults that drive and h…

Prepare to Prevent Falls This Winter
Whether or not we want to admit it, snow and ice is coming! Before it’s here to stay awhile, take some time to prepare so you can prevent falls and have a safe and healthy winter. Here are some things…

Stay Falls Free This Hunting Season
Fall in Wisconsin is a beautiful time of year to be outside – to enjoy the colors of the changing leaves, the crisp air, and for many, to sit in the tree or deer stand for hunting season. While you ma…

How Can Your Pharmacy Help You Reduce Your Falls Risk?
Typically, when visiting the pharmacy to get your medications you wait in line, maybe ask a few questions, and leave, not having discussed with the pharmacist or healthcare provider how your medicatio…

Take Care of Your Bones as You Age
You may not be able to see them when you look in the mirror, but our bones are extremely important to our health and stability! Bone diseases, like osteoporosis, can cause brittle bones and increase y…

Falls Myths & Facts
“I know I’m going to fall when I get older. I feel like everyone does. That’s normal.” – We hear this time and time again! Falls are common among older adults, but they are not normal! There are thing…

Incontinence and Falls
Rushing, in general, can lead to falls. Whether you’re rushing to answer the phone or see who rang the doorbell, rushing home for your favorite television show or rushing to the bathroom every hour, y…

Home Safety
Download the checklist and go through our home safety challenge to check out your space.…