Category Consumers

Community Safety: Falls Prevention 

Summer days are often filled with many activities – walking the dogs, attending sports games, rushing to appointments, traveling, or just enjoying time in nature. With the increase in outings, there may be an increase in how many fall hazards…

Healthy Aging Grants

Wisconsin Institute for Healthy Aging (WIHA) and its community partners support legislation to fund the researched and proven strategies that give older people, their families and caregivers the tools to protect their own health and wellness. Learn more in the…

Falls Prevention at the Farmers Market 

The time is coming for bright summer days and farm market stands to start popping up throughout the state. Not only are farm markets a great opportunity to walk around and get some vitamin D, but you can also find…

Spring Cleaning and Home Safety 

Research shows that most falls happen at home. Is spring cleaning on your to-do list? Take some time this spring to de-clutter and make your home safer to prevent falls. On top of everyday items like dirty laundry or mail,…

Link Between Falls and Driving 

Some of the same things that impact falls risk can put older adults at higher risk for car crashes. In fact, a study from the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety found that older adults that drive and have a history…

Prepare to Prevent Falls This Winter

Whether or not we want to admit it, snow and ice is coming! Before it’s here to stay awhile, take some time to prepare so you can prevent falls and have a safe and healthy winter. Here are some things…