Category Consumers

Stay Falls Free This Hunting Season  

Fall in Wisconsin is a beautiful time of year to be outside – to enjoy the colors of the changing leaves, the crisp air, and for many, to sit in the tree or deer stand for hunting season. While you…

Take Care of Your Bones as You Age

You may not be able to see them when you look in the mirror, but our bones are extremely important to our health and stability! Bone diseases, like osteoporosis, can cause brittle bones and increase your risk of bone fractures…

Falls Myths & Facts

“I know I’m going to fall when I get older. I feel like everyone does. That’s normal.” – We hear this time and time again! Falls are common among older adults, but they are not normal! There are things you…

Incontinence and Falls

Rushing, in general, can lead to falls. Whether you’re rushing to answer the phone or see who rang the doorbell, rushing home for your favorite television show or rushing to the bathroom every hour, your risk of falling is increased…

Home Safety

Download the checklist and go through our home safety challenge to check out your space.