Promotional Resources

Thank you for bringing Falls Free® Wisconsin (FFWI) to your community!

Here you’ll find ways to promote Falls Free Wisconsin and raise awareness of falls prevention. Find template press releases, letters to the editor, newsletter articles, social media graphics and suggested text, and more! Use and customize these materials to help us promote statewide and highlight the work you are doing in falls prevention locally.  

Be creative! Add the logo and QR code to existing documents and use the social media graphics in newsletters and email blasts or print them off and post them at community programs. Invite your local media to falls prevention events, put the videos on waiting room TVs, or use the talking points on your local radio station. We appreciate your help in spreading the word about FFWI and supporting falls prevention awareness! 

New resources are added frequently. Don’t see something that would be helpful in your awareness raising efforts? Have examples of work that you’ve done? Reach out! We may be able to provide additional resources upon request and we’d love to showcase what you’ve done locally. Contact

Be sure to like and follow our Facebook page!

Falls Prevention Awareness Month Resources

Participating in Falls Prevention Awareness Month (FPAM)? Visit our Events Calendar to see events happening across Wisconsin and be sure to submit your event!

Falls Prevention Awareness Month 2024

Social Media Graphics

Placemat Contest

We are excited to share the winners of the first FPAM Placemat Contest! The top 3 winning placemats were submitted by: Paula Clark, Robert Best, and Amy Staniforth. Thank you all to participants for your unique, creative designs and judges for a successful contest. Use the placemats in your local communities at meal sites, restaurants, diners, hospital cafeterias, events, etc. Edit the PDF to add your logo and local information using Adobe or another tool.

  • Entry A- Submitted by Ashley Hillman (and Dane Co partners): Organization: Safe Communities & Dane County

  • Entry B- Submitted by Ciara Johnson: Senior Connections, Douglas County

  • Entry C- Submitted by Chantel Ellis-Jesus: Sauk County Aging & Disability Resource Center

  • Entry D- Submitted by Dana Lawson: Aging & Disability Resource Center of Portage County

  • Entry E- Submitted by Robert Best: Serving Older Adults of Southeast Wisconsin, Inc.

  • Entry F- Submitted by Paula Clark: Kenosha County Aging & Disability Resource Center

  • Entry G- Submitted by Becky Hutchison: Shawano County Human Services – Aging

  • Entry H- Submitted by Amy Staniforth: Aging & Disability Resource Center of Brown County

Year-Round Resources

2025 Winter Campaign

Use these resources for winter and beyond!

Consumer Handouts
  • FFWI Post Cards (Consumer Handout) Print, cut and distribute with mailers, at events, meal sites, workshops and more. Print double-sided and add your organization’s logo and local falls prevention information to the back.

  • FFWI Brochure Print and make available in waiting rooms, at events, during 1:1 meetings, at health promotion programming, and more!

  • Home Safety Challenge Post Cards (Consumer Handouts) Print, cut and distribute with mailers, at events, meal sites, workshops and more. Print double-sided and add your organization’s logo and local falls prevention information to the back. (1/4 Page | 1/2 Page

  • FFWI Tribal Elders Post Cards (Consumer Handout) Adapted for tribal populations. Print, cut and distribute with mailers, at events, meal sites, workshops and more. Print double-sided and add your organization’s logo and local falls prevention information to the back. 

  • Falls Prevention Crossword Puzzle Print and make available at dining sites or senior centers, provide as a handout with home delivered meals, publish in newsletters, and more! (English | Spanish | Hmong)

Social Media Posts/Graphics

Year-Round Posts


Newsletters Articles
Press Releases & Letters to the Editor
  • Press Release We encourage you to check in with your local media to make sure they received this press release from DHS and offer to provide a local angle to this story.

  • Template Media Advisory Customize this media advisory to invite your local media to falls prevention awareness events. 

  • Press Release: Visit FFWI Today! Customizable! Use this general press release to encourage people to visit

  • Press Release EXAMPLE Due to an increase in residents ages 65+ being seen at hospitals for fall-related injuries, Sauk County released this press release. If relevant to your community, customize and share with your local media.

  • Letters to the Editor Customizable! Send to your local media.

Talking Points
  • Talking Points Use this as a guide when talking on the radio or to local media. Includes both general talking points and topic-specific (vision, hearing, footwear, etc.,) information. 

Public Service Announcements (PSAs)

Audio Files: share with local radio stations or podcasters

Videos: post these ads on your social media, website or on TVs in waiting rooms

Logos/QR Codes


Use in your newsletter article, local falls prevention resources, add to your website and social media and more! (Or with transparent background)

QR Code

Use this QR code that goes to in your newsletter article, local falls prevention resources, add to your website and social media and more!

Toolkits by Other Partners

Falls prevention toolkits developed by partner organizations

NCOA Falls Prevention Awareness Month Toolkit 
The National Council on Aging has a wide variety of resources including flyers, infographics, social media graphics, videos and other materials to support falls prevention locally.

Concussion Awareness Now Campaign Falls are the leading cause of concussions. Concussion Awareness Now is a coalition of nearly 20 advocacy groups, including the National Council on Aging (NCOA), that is raising awareness about the importance of diagnosis and treatment for concussions.

CDC Still Going Strong Injury Prevention Campaign Resources
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Still Going Strong campaign speaks directly to older adults, age 65 and older, and their caregivers to raise awareness about preventable injuries among older adults.

There are a variety of resources including social media graphics, print ads/flyers, videos and other tools for falls prevention.


AARP WI and WIHA teamed up to produce a series of videos discussing the factors that can lead to a fall and steps people take to avoid a fall.

AARP WI’s Amber Miller and Dr. Ann O’Rourke, MD, MPH, FACS – Adult Trauma Medical Director, Associate Professor of Surgery, UW School of Medicine and Public Health discuss the topic of assessing falls risk and falls interventions. (9.02 minutes)

Check out this conversation between AARP’s Amber Miller and occupational therapist Valeree Lecey on removing falls hazards in your home. (13.54 minutes)

AARP’s Amber Miller and Kristi Hallisy, PT, DSc – Associate Professor in the Doctor of Physical Therapy Program at the UW-School of Medicine & Public Health discuss and demonstrate balance and strength exercises that can help you avoid a fall. (13:22 minutes)

AARP’s Amber Miller and Tabarius Smith, PharmD., pharmacy manager at Walgreens in Glendale, WI discuss the impact prescription and over-the-counter medications can have on your falls risk. (6:14 minutes)

AARP’s Amber Miller talks with Jean Kalscheur of the Wisconsin Council of the Blind about the relationship between low vision and falls and what people can do to prevent a fall. (16:01 minutes)

The Brown County Falls Prevention Partnership shared the following three videos featuring health care and public safety professionals discussing falls.

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